Sunday, November 23, 2008

Please pray...

My sister and her Husband Brian are currently missionaries in Cambodia, both teachers in a school in so much need, Children from the streets, and orphanages, they are a light in a dark place. My prayer request is for my Brother in Law, he came down with a very life threatening, painful fever, three days ago, and his situation is only worsening... He's currently in the hospital, and is having a hard time functioning. Please pray the Lord's compassionate provision and grace, healing and health, and anything else the Lord puts on your heart:
Here's were you can leave comments on their blog, or keep up with their many travels and adventures. Here is Karie's latest email:
Thank you for your prayers
Dear Family and Friends-
Brian was admitted to a hospital this morning. It is Monday here, and I left for work. I had arranged a co-worker to drive him to the clinic for his 4th time of getting blood drawn; apparently, they saw something in him that warranted the desire to admit him. He will be admitted to a hospital almost right across the street from our school, and a 5 minute bike ride from our house. Brian's blood work has shown his white cells and platelets continuing to go down, and this is not good. Last night, he woke me up in the middle of the night and he could not even physically get to the bathroom. He has almost blacked out numerous times, and has been complaining of trouble breathing. It is a bit of a relief to me that someone with more medical knowledge than myself will now be monitoring him; it was a scary night last night for us.
Here is how we would appreciate your prayers:
For the medical insurance we have here to cover these expenses as we are on a TIGHT budget
For Brian's doctors and nurses to be knowledgeable and helpful as he transitions to a new hospital
For strength for Brian's body to heal through this unpleasant sickness
For me: I am scared, very alone feeling, and SO saddened by his current state.
For both Brian's and my relationship with the Lord to GROW during this time, more than ever, as we can only lean on Him for our strength and hope.Thank you, again, for all the encouraging emails and words of prayer. I will print them all out and bring them to B after school today. We
love you all,-Karie

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